Collezione: Form C Flat Washers

Form C Washer Description

A form C washer has the same thickness as a form A washer but has a larger outside diameter. Form C washers are thicker than form B washers and have a larger outside diameter.


A washer has multiple purposes depending on it’s’ shape, form and material. Generally speaking, a washer is used to:

  • protect the surface of fastened materials,
  • spread the load/ pressure at the hold points of fastened materials,
  • assist with tightening and loosening of a fastener,
  • control the spacing of connecting components

Form C Washer Materials

BZP plating/ steel washers are applied in dry conditions. Wet conditions will cause the shiny/ blue hue coating to fade and rust.

A2 304 Stainless steel washers are applied to occasionally wet environments (Outside).